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Provisional FD Standings and Points after Wall, NJ from The DriftZone Live Blog

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  • Provisional FD Standings and Points after Wall, NJ from The DriftZone Live Blog

    The points as listed below, both for the event and for the championship are not official, but were calculated by The DriftZone's Live Blog which notes the Wall results as listed are provisional and have not yet been certified by Formula Drift. To review the most complete coverage of the Wall, NJ event and the live continuous coverage of the rounds of 16, see The DriftZone's Live Blog at

    Wall, NJ results and points as calculated by The Live Blog:
    (results are provisional until certified by Formula Drift)

    1. Daijiro Yoshihara.......100 pts + 5 pts qual.......105
    2. Rhys Millen................88 pts + 6 pts qual.........94
    3. Tyler McQuarrie..........78 pts + 8 pts qual.........86
    4. Tanner Foust..............69 pts + 7 pts qual.........76
    5. Darren McNamara.......61 pts + 4 pts qual.........65
    6. Chris Forsberg............61 pts + 3 pts qual.........64
    7. Chris Cook.................61 pts + 2 pts qual.........63
    8. Ryuji Miki..................61 pts + 2 pts qual.........63
    9. Casper Canul.............54 pts + 4 pts qual.........58
    10. Samuel Hubinette......54 pts + 3 pts qual..........57
    11. Tony Brakohiapa........54 pts + 2 pts qual.........56
    12. Mitsuru Haruguchi......54 pts + 2 pts qual.........56
    13. Bill Sherman.............54 pts + 1 pt qual...........55
    14. Ross Petty................54 pts + 1 pt qual...........55
    15. Robbie Nishida..........54 pts + 1 pt qual...........55
    16. Calvin Wan...............54 pts + 1 pt qual...........55

    Championship point totals after Wall, NJ event as calculated by The DriftZone's Live Blog
    (based on provisional results from Wall, NJ, not yet certified by Formula Drift)

    1...Tanner Foust...........................491.00
    2....Daijiro Yoshihara.. ..................477.00......... -14 pts
    3....Chris Forsberg........................476.00......... -15 pts
    4....Rhys Millen............................435.00......... -56 pts
    5....Samuel Hubinette....................358.25
    6....Darren McNamara...................329.25
    7....Vaughn Gittin, Jr.....................311.50
    8....Kenji Yamanaka......................310.25
    9....Bill Sherman..........................301.25
    10..Tyler McQuarrie......................287.50
    11..Casper Canul..........................225.25
    12..Mitsuru Haruguchi...................216.50
    13..Ken Gushi..............................203.75
    14..Kazu Hayashida......................185.50
    15..Ryuji Miki..............................178.75
    16..Ross Petty.............................173.25
    17..Ryan Tuerck..........................171.50
    18..Robbie Nishida.......................165.25
    19..Tony Angelo..........................120.75
    20..Taka Aono.............................113.00

    The DriftZone will have its short report on the Wall, NJ event on Tuesday and its exclusive video event coverage on Friday.

  • #2
    Wasn't Tanner 3rd, and Tyler 4th at NJ??


    • #3
      Originally posted by Archangel View Post
      Wasn't Tanner 3rd, and Tyler 4th at NJ??
      Tanner stood on the podium, so if Tyler was AWARDED 3rd, it would have been after the fact.

      TheLiveBlog says Tanner 3rd, Tyler 4th. But this 'tabulated points' says Tyler 3rd, Tanner 4th.

      Does the left hand know what the right hand is doign?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Slapshotnerd View Post
        Tanner stood on the podium, so if Tyler was AWARDED 3rd, it would have been after the fact.

        TheLiveBlog says Tanner 3rd, Tyler 4th. But this 'tabulated points' says Tyler 3rd, Tanner 4th.

        Does the left hand know what the right hand is doign?
        That's an easy one. As I don't travel with Formula D (California events only) I used the results on to calculate the points. On the Top 16 ladder [it appears as if] Tyler [is] listed as third and Tanner as fourth. TheDriftZone then copied and pasted my tabulated results here, and did not base them off of their own liveblog.

        Small world eh?

        Anyhow, <a href="">I have made the corrections</a> and now Tanner has 500 series points, leading Daijiro by 23 and Chris by 24.

        Either Chris or Dai can still take the season, but it will take a win at Irwindale. Even if Chris or Daijiro takes the event win, Tanner could hold on to the season, depending on how qualifying goes.

        Qualifying Points so far this season:
        46 - Tanner Foust
        34 - Chris Forsberg
        23 - Daijiro Yoshihara
        21 - Rhys Millen
        Last edited by GBC; 09-10-2007, 07:17 PM. Reason: Edited for clarity


        • #5
          Tanner is listed in bold on the EverythingDrift site?

          and this post was in the 'live updates' thread:
          Originally posted by EverythingDrift View Post
          Congratulations To Daijiro Yoshihara!! 2nd Podium Win this year...

          2.Rhys Millen
          3. Tanner Foust
          didn't know you guys specialized in stealing content.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GBC View Post
            That's an easy one. As I don't travel with Formula D (California events only) I used the results on to calculate the points. On the Top 16 ladder you have Tyler listed as third and Tanner as fourth. TheDriftZone then copied and pasted my tabulated results here, and did not base them off of their own liveblog.

            Small world eh?

            Anyhow, <a href="">I have made the corrections</a> and now Tanner has 500 series points, leading Daijiro by 23 and Chris by 24.

            Either Chris or Dai can still take the season, but it will take a win at Irwindale. Even if Chris or Daijiro takes the event win, Tanner could hold on to the season, depending on how qualifying goes.

            Qualifying Points so far this season:
            46 - Tanner Foust
            34 - Chris Forsberg
            23 - Daijiro Yoshihara
            21 - Rhys Millen

            Not to jump into the mix, but we ran all the info correct and have not updated the site since the last run by Rhys and Dai. We never put down that Tyler got 3rd. We ever ran on the blog that we posted who the TOP 3 were, and that was posted within 3 minutes of our ladder we ran.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Slapshotnerd View Post
              Tanner is listed in bold on the EverythingDrift site?

              and this post was in the 'live updates' thread:

              didn't know you guys specialized in stealing content.
              As a professional judge and "ambassador of the sport," is this 3rd grade attitude and name calling really ok?

              We did not steal you ladder, and Formula D results are public domain. Even if you were to argue that you in fact held the copyright to the Top 16 results from the New Jersey event, the information presented on DriftLive is not a derivative work, we created a table of scores, we did not reproduce "your" ladder. The mixup of Tyler and Tanner was an honest mistake.

              This attitude of mine vs. yours coverage is really getting out of hand. I am quite frustrated by it. I am not an automotive professional, just a fan, so maybe it is different because I am an outsider, but this desire to "own" results and access to coverage is not doing anything to help the sport. I know that I go out of my way to promote the work of others in the drifting arena. There is room on the Internet for more then 1 drifting site.

              Maybe you can lock up the official rights to Formula D ladders and and can really take drifting coverage to the next level.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GBC View Post
                As a professional judge and "ambassador of the sport," is this 3rd grade attitude and name calling really ok?

                We did not steal you ladder, and Formula D results are public domain. Even if you were to argue that you in fact held the copyright to the Top 16 results from the New Jersey event, the information presented on DriftLive is not a derivative work, we created a table of scores, we did not reproduce "your" ladder. The mixup of Tyler and Tanner was an honest mistake.

                This attitude of mine vs. yours coverage is really getting out of hand. I am quite frustrated by it. I am not an automotive professional, just a fan, so maybe it is different because I am an outsider, but this desire to "own" results and access to coverage is not doing anything to help the sport. I know that I go out of my way to promote the work of others in the drifting arena. There is room on the Internet for more then 1 drifting site.

                Maybe you can lock up the official rights to Formula D ladders and and can really take drifting coverage to the next level.
                Hey man I understand your frustration seriously. But try not to let this stuff get to you...its just the nature of things when it comes to Journalism.

                Everyone wants to have the latest news first because if they can stake claim to that then it makes them look better than everyone else which helps them business wise.

                And since the whole sport compact/drifting niche is so small this kind of competition can get heated.

                I dont think everyone really gets that you aren't really doing this professionally so you get caught up in the mix but really dude its not important enough for you to even get upset about. Just keep doing what you're doing and dont worry bout the other sites.


                • #9
                  Integrity is very important when it comes to 'intellectual property', aka information and creative content. As a webmaster / owner / etc of a website which provides news to their audience, you ARE an automotive professional. People RELY on your site (and others) to give them the correct information. As I look at the ladder on, I see that the higher qualified driver is always listed on top in the initial listing, and the winner of the tandem round is listed in bold. Subsequent rounds are just filled into the bracket, and the bracket continues. It's the same way that the ladders have been throughout the entire season. It's the same way that NCAA Final Four tournament brackets are done. Or any brackets for that matter. Here I was thinking that you actually had a reporter at the event, or had a trusted source that you use to get the correct information for your site, when in reality, you're taking the information others post and running with it.

                  One of the biggest mistakes a media outlet can make is to get information wrong. Credibility is everything in the media. Media outlets pay reporters / freelancers to get them the important information they need in a timely manner. People with more exclusive information get paid better money. As someone who struggles to pay their own expenses to report information, it annoys me to find out that other outlets may be taking the information for free from another outlet without compensating the reporter for it.

                  What I don't understand is that you have a photographer at the event who works for you and also has her expenses compensated by another outlet. Why can't she txt / email the results to you directly, since she's already there? Why must you wait for a competing media outlet to post the information before you post it?

                  Also, maybe you should start to credit the original source. As a media outlet, particularly one that copyrights their information allegedly, you are taking credit for all the information you post. If you are relying on another source to get you information, you should either A) pay them as an employee / subcontractor of the site so that you have a financial (and hopefully written) tie between yourself and the reporter to get you information which is truthful and there is accountability, or B) you credit the actual source of the information so that it's clear where you are getting the information and if it is proven to be incorrect, you AREN'T held accountable for the mistake.
                  Last edited by Slapshotnerd; 09-10-2007, 05:41 PM.


                  • #10
                    Not to make this thread any longer, but stealing information is the same as pirating software / mp3's / knocking off parts.

                    The companies that spend the money getting the end product get ripped off by all the companies who capitalize on all that invested capitol, and the consumer suffers in the long term.

                    Company A invests $x in R&D to produce a high quality product at price $Y. This price is higher than the production cost of the part in an effort to recoup the R&D money. Company B comes in and sells the part for $z, which is substantially cheaper than $y because they don't have R&D costs, and they are using a factory with little to no quality control. The end consumer sees this situation as $Z is less than $y for the same product, might as well go for the cheaper alternative. Company A doesn't sell many parts, and doesn't recoup their R&D costs, so they stop doing R&D on as many parts, and they eventually go out of business. Company B later goes out of business because they don't have the knowledge or facilities to actually R&D new parts, so now the consumer doesn't have a choice of Part A or Part B, but 0 parts because both companies are out of business. This is why it's so important not to buy cheaply-made and knockoff parts in the first place, because in the long term, both companies will be out of business, where as if you buy the better-made, fully R&D'd part in the first place, Company B goes out of business and there's no shortage of parts (just a shortage of unnecessary knock-off parts).

                    Example of photos:
                    Company A pays a freelancer to take photos of a product. Company B takes said photos off of company A's website, crops out the watermark, and puts them on their own site. Since there's no cost associated in securing the photo, Company B can charge a slightly lower price for the same product, and get more business. Again, Company A gets fewer sales and loses money, which means they are less likely to be able to afford to pay someone to take a photo of the next product, which means company B doesn't get the photo (because they have never found value in paying for a photo of a product before), which means you get either a generic description of the part, or a stock photo of a similar part for another vehicle, or something similar on both sites. Now the photographer is out of a job, both companies have lowered the quality of their website and their customer experience, and everyone suffers, when all it took was for company B to take their own photo in the first place.

                    Example in media:
                    Outlet A pays a high premium price for an exclusive photo or an exclusive story, or even a lead on a good story. Wait, scratch that. Outlet A pays the EXPENSES and a nominal fee for a steak dinner for said photo / story / etc. Outlet B then takes the information from Outlet A, and puts it on their site, re-writing a few things to make it seem as though they didn't steal it. Or maybe they don't re-write it, they just post it up and assume that their users won't figure it out. In either way, Outlet B isn't out any money, and they get full credit since people have no reason to believe any different. More people go to outlet B because the information is packaged in a 'prettier' form. Or it's got less ads. Or it's first alphabetically in their favorites list. The reason really doesn't matter. Outlet A doesn't get the traffic, and thus loses advertisers. Eventually, they can't afford to pay for stories / photos / leads / anything, and they no longer can provide the same news. Outlet B now no longer has a place to steal the information from, so they can't provide the same service either. Now the freelancer isn't getting paid at all, neither outlet is getting the story, and the reader suffers.

                    Same thing, 3 different examples. This is why stealing is bad, mkay?


                    • #11

                      You are claiming that the results of a Formula D event are indeed the intellectual property of

                      We are not talking about a work that was "created." A ladder of scores was created, not the scores themselves. The Formula D judges created the scores.

                      I reiterate the belief that results are public domain.

                      I have added a footnote to the results.
                      Last edited by GBC; 09-10-2007, 06:45 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MonkeySlide View Post
                        Hey man I understand your frustration seriously. But try not to let this stuff get to you...its just the nature of things when it comes to Journalism.

                        Everyone wants to have the latest news first because if they can stake claim to that then it makes them look better than everyone else which helps them business wise.

                        And since the whole sport compact/drifting niche is so small this kind of competition can get heated.

                        I dont think everyone really gets that you aren't really doing this professionally so you get caught up in the mix but really dude its not important enough for you to even get upset about. Just keep doing what you're doing and dont worry bout the other sites.
                        I am not upset, I make websites as a hobby. I just wanted to explain why the results were inaccurate and felt a bit attacked.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GBC View Post

                          You are claiming that the results of a Formula D event are indeed the intellectual property of

                          We are not talking about a work that was "created." A ladder of scores was created, not the scores themselves. The Formula D judges created the scores.

                          I reiterate the belief that results are public domain.

                          I have added a footnote to the results.
                          You didn't get the results from Formula D. You got the results from another website, which paid a reporter give them the information in a timely manner. Confusion arose when your results differed from the results everyone else had, and you said that YOUR results would be verified by FD on their website. FD's official information probably went out today.

                          The exists because YOU stated that your information was valid, while every other site had different results (and all of those who were at the event saw tanner on the podium). That's where it became an issue, which you quickly passed off as being due to the fact that you got the results from ANOTHER site and implied that it must have been their error.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Slapshotnerd View Post
                            You didn't get the results from Formula D. You got the results from another website, which paid a reporter give them the information in a timely manner. Confusion arose when your results differed from the results everyone else had, and you said that YOUR results would be verified by FD on their website. FD's official information probably went out today.

                            The exists because YOU stated that your information was valid, while every other site had different results (and all of those who were at the event saw tanner on the podium). That's where it became an issue, which you quickly passed off as being due to the fact that you got the results from ANOTHER site and implied that it must have been their error.
                            Just to be clear, is in absolutly no way associated with TheDriftZone.

                            Jacob, Check your PM.


                            • #15
                              man im giong to make dl and ed stickers and put them in a heart shaped rainbow on my back window and a gigantic pictrure of whitney houston

