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Fall of Ghost

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  • Fall of Ghost

    Well it was bound to happen, the Ghost has gone down. Took my beloved vehicle to Mazda today to get an estimate on engine repair. They performed a compression test and the figures were round 10s on the front and 8s on the rear. I said ok and thanks alot, got in my car and left. Well no more than 4 miles away everything went right in the crapper. Temp to the red, coolant pouring out and all sorts of ugliness. Put some in, went 1 mile and same thing. Well they didn't let it warm up, that was part of the problem. I finally had to fill it 2 more times and leave the system un-pressurized to get it the other 5 miles to my house.

    So the FD is dead. It cranks and runs, and still hauls it but that coolant problem brought her down. So anyone out there who may have an engine laying about that looks like a good candidate for the Ghost, please let me know. Moneys a little tight right now but i'll what I can scrounge.

    Boo-Hoo. Woe is me and all that jazz. My sick girl needs a heart transplant. Am thinking of just yanking that engine and re-building it. Never done a Rotary before so it will be a challenge. Not sure though.

  • #2
    Dang..hope you get that straightened out


    • #3
      Sorry to hear your baby is sick. I'll keep an eye out for an engine, but nothing is coming to mind right now. Hope you're on the road again soon.


      • #4
        Re: Fall of Ghost

        Yeah i think we can all understand what its like when our car has stopped working. Good luck with getting her running again. Keep us all posted. hell maybe it can be something to add to the tech section of this forum.

        Anyways good luck man.


        • #5
          Its usually around $1200 to get all the parts for the master rebuild.If you do rebuild it,just do it all so you don't have to worry about the engine for a very long time.Sounds like an O ring failed,I hate it when FD's go down .

          Good luck on whatever you do.


          • #6
            Yea I knew the O-ring was going down but after the compresion test it went south like Gangbusters. I think he dis-lodged all the chemicals I put in there to slow the downward spiral.


            • #7
              wow that sucks. but i can check with some people in japan about a motor. i know alot of people over there that have 7's and theres always motors lieing around the hobby shop. ill get back to you on this though.


              • #8
                Sure you got the air bubbles out of the system? a bubble trapped in the water pump will do what you said it did. Cause believe it or not water won't travel through the pump when there's air stuck in it. I saw that on Discovery channel . I've also had problems with the check coolant level light, I just let the bleeder screw out and let the air out and the light goes off. But then again you might just be screwed after all... tough luck man.


                • #9
                  How many miles did the Ghost have?


                  • #10
                    -ceramic apex seals are highly recommended for a rebuild.
                    -look at grooving the water passages as well
                    -a street port will help lower engine temperatures
                    -so will a single turbo conversion(factory twins produce excess heat as well as soaking heat)


                    • #11
                      im sorry
                      you'll some way to uh..revive her again soon! i love the car, its beautiful..lots of luck hun!


                      • #12
                        that breakes my heart. Sorry man


                        • #13
                          Take this opportunity to add a cooler to every system on the car. The oil system, transmission, fuel system, electric window motors, everything on an FD needs greater cooling efficiency. The problem is exaggerated by driving sideways, but that is non-negotiable.

                          Have you considered going to a three-rotor setup?


                          • #14
                            These boards are a great venue to pontificate on subjects I am in no way qualified to discuss.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Secret_Agent_86

                              btw ghost that is sad ... i would never wish that on anyone with such a beautiful car. oh and thanks for defending my drift wagon

