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  • Job

    as some of you are out there, i am caught in a money dilemma. i am 16, dont have a car of my own, and have no money whatsoever. i worked at a grocery store a year ago and made some money, but spent it on useless stuff. i live in a rather residential area, and without a car i cant drive many places. there is a gas station near me (walking distance), but i dont think they will hire me in the garage, due to my age and limit of hours (school). so im asking this. does or did anyone start out in a gas station garage while still managing school? i get off at 3, and the garage closes at 6, so thats like 2.5 hours after school. i know the basics of cars, worked in my uncles shop a little bit, and think i could handle this type of work. any other suggestions for a good job would be cool to. i need a car, but first need money. you know how it goes. thanks all.

  • #2
    i doubt they would hire a 16 year old to work on cars off the bat..they would have to see your experience and your 16 and im a pays 7.50 an hour and i think thats alright for a is no initial d


    • #3
      a old freind of mine is 17 and he works the cash machines in the petrol station near my place but in the uk its only self serve and the staf just stay in the store


      • #4
        yeah you dont need a job in a garage....howq much is the garage job paying?


        • #5
          if you have your heart set on the job, maybe see if they are hiring on weekends. the only thing you will be doing is LOF and tires. sorry kid, harsh reality. I busted my *Censored**Censored**Censored* in a garage when i was 13 (my buddies dad owned it, needed someone @ night and i needed something after school) I didnt touch a car for two months, all i did was clean up the shop, do paper work, get his lunch and watch him. then i moved into doing the lube, oil, and fluids on cars, changing tires, batteries, simple stuff. I worked there for about 7 months before it went under and he sold it. but I learned a lot. dont expect to walk in there and start doing real mechanic stuff. if you bust your hump though and maybe get hired for weekends you at least get to see if you like working in a shop. if you like it awesome, if you dont like it, at least you didnt waste your time and money like some of the fools I am going to school with.

          get a bike, you'd be suprised how far you can get on a bicycle.


          • #6
            I started bagging groceries. It works. Just don't waste your money. If you're focused on a car, save your money. If you stop buying frivilous things, you will actually be able to get something. It would be about half a year of hard saving though to get something half way decent. My first car was $1800, that's 4 and a half months of work. This is life; you can't have everything you want, and you usually have to work for it. I was a little bit lucky. My parents saved up a small amount for us, kind of a college fund but not. We each got $2500 to spend for our first car. Mine went to my car plus body work to get rid of all the rust, $600. It was a nice car till someone decided a stop sign wasn't going to apply to them. Besides that, everything I own and any cars I've gotten were worked for and payed by me. Insurance, gas, everything. I even pay for my own college. Work hard and earn it. That's life.


            • #7
              yea, the shop is right down the street, so i could get there without a car. i know i will be doing bit*h work for the first bit, but just wanna do something related to cars. i bagged groceries, and hated it. i have a thought on gettin the job. for the first, say 20 hours of my work, i could just watch what they do, clean up, put stuff away etc. for this, i would not get paid, but rather get some community service hours (required for school). after i start to become help, not just a nuisance, i could get paid. school is rather easy for me to keep up, so i have lots of time on my hands. no car to work on, so tv and this is quite popular.


              • #8
                Back when i was in high school i used to work at jack in the box. I guess it as okay at the time.I wasnt really into cars while i was working. I was also takin my first year of auto which took me in for good. The year after i took auto again, and I was workin on cars everyday for two periods of my schedual. I'm so happy I went to Maui High School for their auto program. The instructure Denis Ishi is the best in the state and took 1st several times at that AAA Automotive Challenge or what ever it was called. By the end of the shool year I was workin on cars with a buddy w/o being suppervised. Working our a$$es of got us to be one of the best mechanincs in the sophmore class. I learned alot from autos. but, to bad Ishii is going to retire this year. But, from talking to a few of his students, they said he's going to stick it out for 2 more years.


                • #9
                  im 16 too almost 17 but i was trying to get a job at a litle garage or something like that but i doubt that they will hire me. but try it man.

                  i work on my dads construction i hate it...


                  • #10
                    working construction isnt that bad. I could think of worse jobs I've had to work than construction. At least it is an income. just work for your pops till you can get something better.


                    • #11
                      i work at a chain auto parts store here in norcal..while i go through school..
                      pay aitn that great but the 25% discount on most crap is kinda nice


                      • #12
                        yea, i thought prolly a small auto place like that would maybe hire me. my friends dad owns a construction place and im gunna work there for spring vaca and summer. hes paying about 10/hr, so thats good. and at least ill be outside gettin a little exercise maybe. see what happens.


                        • #13
                          I don't know. I start at Togos next week. Cash is cash as far as I'm concerned. Need it for the Suprastar.


                          • #14
                            go be a dishwasher at a resterant thats always easy and you can *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* around alot to.


                            • #15
                              work with your uncle...

                              If you save for you car it's soooooooo much more worth it. I loves my A4.

